**Thank you to Lauren Francis, a college educator and veteran online course facilitator, for this article’s content. The copy is taken from her PDF Success in an Online Learning Environment**

Online classes can require more maturity, self-motivation and time management than traditional on-campus courses. Here are some ways you can ensure success in an online course:

1. schedule out key due dates

Put all key course due dates in your smart phone or calendar so that you do not miss any deadlines. Plan Ahead! I would put alarms in your smart phone or reminders in your calendar for the day before any deadlines in your course schedule.

2. prioritize work on the the most heavily weighted course assignment
3. internet not working?

If you can’t get a part of the ebook/Canvas/D2L/link to work, try another browser (i.e. switch from Safari to Firefox, etc).

4. proofreading tips

Always proofread and edit your assignments to catch minor typographical errors. Before submitting your assignments, re-read the instructions and ensure you answered each component fully and met the minimum word count.

5. Use a flash drive or online drive!

Save all copies of your assignments on a flash drive or online drive in the event you have trouble with submission. Take a screenshot of the file at the time you upload it in the event you need to demonstrate to the instructor that you submitted on-time.

6. ensure a reliable internet connection

Make sure you have a reliable internet connection ESPECIALLY when submitting assignments, taking quizzes, and exams. Don’t wait until the last minute to upload the document! Some instructors lock submission areas at a certain time and some will only allow one submission.

7. check assignment page once a day

You want to make sure to check your email, LMS (D2L, etc) page once a day for announcements. If an instructor emails the class or posts an announcement, READ it entirely.

8. set a regular time to do classwork

Scheduling time to work on the class will make it a priority and will ensure you don’t procrastinate. Be consistent with your schedule. Don’t postpone online work.

9. tricks for discussion boards

When writing discussion board posts, first write your thoughts in a Word document and AFTER you spell check and proofread, THEN copy and paste into the discussion board. Remember discussion board posts aren’t tweets. Treat them as mini-essays.

10. when emailing your instructor

Please always provide your name, list the course name in the subject line, and be as specific as possible with your inquiry. Consolidate questions into one message.

11. check online course for answers to your questions

Often questions about assignments or expectations can be answered by searching within the materials already provided by the instructor. If your question cannot easily be answered with the resources within the course page, it’s better to contact the instructor rather than a classmate for answers.

12. contact school tech support

For basic tech issues (passwords, access, etc), contact your school tech support desk rather than the instructor. Use the online help guides provided by your school.

13. Communicate!

If you have a personal emergency that prevents you from completing a course requirement, contact the instructor via email. Alternative arrangements may be made, but most instructors are more accommodating when requests are made PRIOR to missing a deadline as opposed to after.

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