Beyond Education founder, Lara Kilgore, interviews San Antonio Charter Moms Blog founder, Inga Cotton, about how San Antonio schools responded to coronavirus and transitioned to distance learning.

SA Charter Moms is a non-profit that helps San Antonio families more easily find good information about high-quality school options in the area.

The SA Charter Moms Facebook Group originally was created to help parents know what options are out there. Inga emphasizes that “we are now accidental homeschoolers” and implemented a Facebook thread for school closures. There are 7,000 members, so you are sure to find support!! This thread allows the community to share updates like the star testing (which is cancelled) or meal programs, and also shares resources specified by what type of kids you have: restless, creative, outdoorsy, etc.

In the video, we also talk about printing resources, a flexibility mindset, innovation and unique solutions. We ask and answer questions like: What will schools do to adapt homework to each kid? What will they do for special needs kids?

If you have ANY questions you want us to ask our next interviewer, reach out to us. We’d love to keep delivering materials that are relevant to your lives.